Easter Egg Hunt
Children age 2 thru 10 are invited to our Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Prizes include: bikes, assorted toys, goodies from town businesses. Parents can also win a gift card for groceries. Meet at the Corvallis Football Grandstands. Join us for this fun event!
Merry Widows & Singles Lunch
Join other widows & single ladies as they gather for lunch after the morning service and enjoy one another in fellowship.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
We invite you to our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Bring your family and friends!
Praise Service
Please join us at our Praise Service as we give thanks to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us!
OCC Shoeboxes Due
Pack a shoebox and touch the lives of children and families around the world, bringing hope through the Good News of Jesus Christ in the form of a simple gift. Bring your packed shoebox to church on November 17 and we’ll get it sent out for you.
Fall Harvest Festival
Join us for some fun at our 2nd Annual Fall Harvest Festival on October 19 at the Corvallis Community Events Center (Corvallis Football Field area).
Afterschool Bible Club
Afterschool Bible Club BEGINS OCTOBER 8. For children 1st thru 6th grade. Please register your child online.
Women's Bible Study
Ladies! Please join us on Thursdays as we study “Prayers of the Bible” at the home of Karen Fifield.
Women's Ministry Brunch
All ladies are invited to attend this kick-off event and hear more about Women’s Ministry for the upcoming year.
Church Picnic at Lake Como
Come to Lake Como following the service for a picnic and swimming!
CCC Yard Sale
Come out July 19 & 20 to find some treasures! Yard Sale will be at the Corvallis Community Events Center.
VBS Closing Program & Picnic
Join us for the Closing Program of our Vacation Bible School. Come hear what the children have learned this week. And stay for the picnic following the program.
Vacation Bible School
Children age 5 thru 6th grade are invited to come to VBS! We will meet daily June 17-21 from 9 am-12 noon.
Ground Breaking Ceremony
Join us for the Ground Breaking Ceremony at the South Campus Property immediately following the morning service.
Mothers & Others Lunch
We welcome all Mothers (and everyone else) to our special lunch following the morning worship service. Spend time honoring your Mother on this day!
Missionary Visit & Lunch
Steve & Gayle Brown will be sharing about their work with Ripe for Harvest in India. A lunch will be served in the C.E. building after the morning worship service. All are invited to come to the lunch and then listen to the Browns share.
Resurrection Sunday
We invite you to join us for Resurrection Sunday!
First Worship Service 7:30 am
Easter Breakfast 8:30 am
Sunday School 9:30 am
Second Worship Service 10:45 am
Egg Filling & Lunch
Come help fill thousands of eggs with candy for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt Outreach. A lunch will be served and then filling begins!
Birthday Potluck
Join us as we celebrate all birthdays in the church. Come for a delicious potluck and then enjoy some yummy birthday desserts!
Church Game Night
Join us for an evening of fun playing games and eating chili. Bring your favorite game to share!
Men's Breakfast & Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study BEGINS on OCTOBER 7 and meets on Saturday mornings at 7:30 am in the C.E. building. We start off with a hearty breakfast followed by a Bible study and prayer for one another.
Outdoor Worship Service
Please join us for our Outdoor Worship Service at our South Campus Property. Starting with donuts & coffee at 9:30 am followed by the Worship Service at 10:00 am. Ending with a lunch after the service. We hope you will come!
Christmas Day Service
We invite you to join us on Christmas Day for our worship service at 10:45 am. We will also have Sunday School for all ages beginning at 9:30 am. Come celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!
New Attendee Lunch
A lunch will be provided for those who have recently been newcomers to Corvallis Community Church. It will be a time to meet the church leadership and hear more about the church.
Ladies Fellowship Potluck
We invite ladies of all ages to come to our Ladies Fellowship. We have a devotional, craft time and sing songs. We hope to see you there!
Community Outreach Dinner
We would like to invite you to a Community Dinner following our Bible Club program on Tuesday. All Bible Club kids and their families are welcome to come! Dinner will be served at 5:30 pm.